Friday, September 11, 2009

I screwed up my previous skin.
While i try to turn it to a navigational one.
But sigh, i failed terribly.

I'm still as rotten as ever.
Anyone experience family hurling vulgarities at you, screaming at you, insulting you?
What's more, they are just merely pinpointing at you, getting the wrong idea, misunderstanding.
Where's the mutual trust in the family.


Just twenty four hour ago, everything was still moving on fine. I thought the 'black' days would be over, like finally. Yet it didn't. Is happening again. Trust, such an important keyword to everything.


What made me teared more was what daron told me.
He told me,

Daron. says (2:25 AM):
*okay de lah. wheres the xmm i know thats always having a (:

Where am i.


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